Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The one man who made my sunday 21 august 2011 its ----- @Trevason!
God dent him to me and I hear him.
This is what he shared with me! I absolutely LOVE This!! Blessed

this is a sermon that he decided to share with me

Pastor John Lempe:  don't give up!

*Mathew 15: 21-28<Faith of a Gentile Woman>
*Origine of Gentiles-» Genesis 9: 18-27 ...Canaanans are sons and daughters of Ham...son of Noah, whom Noah cursed after the incident, explained on Genesis 9:18:27. Remember what you bound, the Heavens also bound & what u set free, the Heavens also let's free. Noah's curse spread/passed down to the Canaan nation, though he only cursed Ham
*Thus explains why Israelis were very careful with whom they associated with.(The company you keep might have detrimental influences [blessings or curse] in your life).[Genesis 26:1v]
*The Gentile woman, was of Canaan decent. Meaning she also bared the curse of Ham, the Father of all Canaans.

The Gentile woman came running to Jesus from behind crying and screaming, pleading for mercy and that her daughter be saved...and she continued this for a while. At first Jesus ignored her, but that didn't stop the woman's plead. Remember, nothing is as hurtful as being ignored! Being ignored raises a lot of concerns in a person (whether are you relevant, stupid, invincible etc). As Jesus, kept on ignoring her, the disciples asked Jesus to send her away (as she was annoying us,«--the level of selfishness).

 (At some point when you pray, a lil voice will discourage you...don't stop, keep praying. For your prayers will be answered). So, Jesus responded to the lady, my concern is for the Israelis & not for the Canaanans. With such words said to her, she still persevered and knelt before Jesus...worshiping and pleading (this showed the spirit of humbles). So Jesus replied, [you're a dog«--the depth of the curse to the Canaanans]...it is not right to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs. The lady didn't deny it, but she said...even dogs are allowed to eat the crumbles that fall from their masters' table (Glory). «--(At times u pray, & the heavens are quite, nothing happens...don't give up, don't stop praying, keep pushing! Have a
Have a Stubborn FAITH!).

 Jesus was powerless after the lady's respond. Then Jesus commanded that the lady's child be healed right away, & so the child was healed! What brought the Gentile lady to Jesus was Faith...Believe Believe Believe, have Faith...people will talk, don't stop don't give up...they'll try by all means to discourage you, just Focus on God and built a relationship with HIM (Hebrews 11: 1 & 13)


Now do you understand why i love this mesage!!