Thursday, November 22, 2012


You are complain about something you asked for 5 years ago from GOD. See why GOD doesn't always give you what you want, because it could harm you. GOD tests you many times by permitting trails for a season so we can found out what level of faith we have.
See It's easy to talk than to do!
You need to understand that No body gets promoted to another level without a test. GOD loves us too much to leave us in our own mess anyway and once you pass your test, you will get that reward from GOD.

You won't get everything you want however you need to have a good attitude.
You may say, I give to the poor, I help people have faith but you see GOD tests our motives. We should not give to get. Motives are so important! GOD wants to know why you do that certain something not how you do it and whilst GOD brings trails and tribulations, he does not ask us for permission HE just expects to be trusted. Do you trust Him?? No really, DO YOU TRUST HIM??

Deutro 32:9- 11 NB Powerful Scripture so kindly read it *wink*
You gotta go through to get to the other side. Look at your past. Your past has determined where you are at this moment. What you do today will determine where you are tomorrow. Are you moving forward or standing still? Understand that patience brought the experience of VICTORY!!!
Man, I love line -------->Through faith and patience we inherit his promises! YES WE DO, NO LIE!!!

Always bare in mind that with power of Patience at work & violent Faith, results are ineludible *AMANDLA*

The moment you pray believe that you have received. The force of faith is at work.

Heb 11:1
Mark 11:23 & 24
James 1:5
James 1:6

Ask and GOD will help you!! Never wait for people to energize you! Energize yourself through thee almighty GOD. See God is a Good GOD and GOD is a good boss. GOD does not hold your pay for any reason. God appreciated his workers and he pays them and he always pays on time. No need to remind him for your pay.
The service you render, that detemines how GOD services you. Every true worker should be driven by rewards not recognition. Ask yourself,
Do you want the applause of man or the applause of GOD?

Never let the applause of man decieve you, go for the commendation of GOD
Truth of the matter is, majority in this generation has lost the true regard of serving because all they want is recognition

I hope you are not one of them...

You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you" James - Allen