Tuesday, September 27, 2011


"Have you ever considered that rejection can help you grow? Hard to believe sometimes, especially when acceptance meant so much to you. Time and again throughout Life I've found that my Rejection Angel was hard at work, leaving me perplexed at best.

Spirit often protects us through the process of situations or people rejecting us. It isn't a lot of fun the first few times it happens. It takes a while to quiet the turbulent emotions that accompany rejection to get our thinking clear to see the wisdom of The Why. Often, The Why is not yet evident and so we must wait for the answer to reveal itself. Be patient and let it evolve in your life. There will be that one day when it all crystallizes for you and you realize from what you were protected. The sting of rejection at the time was far preferable to the gruesome consequences to follow later - if you insisted upon pursuing that course".

Many of these quotes are from people who are actors and writers, both fields of tremendous competition and difficulty. Rejection is constant in these professions, even when a person is accomplished and well experienced. Talk about develop mental toughness! 
"Life's blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of enthusiasm. - Norman Vincent Peale, Preacher and Author"

"I think that you have to believe in your destiny; that you will succeed, you will meet a lot of rejection and it is not always a straight path, there will be detours - so enjoy the view. - Michael York, actor"

"There's nothing like rejection to make you do an inventory of yourself. - James Lee Burke, American Author"

"We keep going back, stronger, not weaker, because we will not allow rejection to beat us down. It will only strengthen our resolve. To be successful there is no other way. - Earl G. Graves"

And the funny thought of the day:
When you can't figure out what to do, it's time for a nap. - Mason Cooley

Practice, practice, practice until you eventually get numb on rejections. - Brian Klemmer
Rejection is the one of the hardest pain u will probably endure in your life, however most vital! Yes.. Most vital I said and no I'm not mad hehehe.. See you don't get it, some people don't get it but I got it.... Rejection is good!! Reason??

Rejection causes pain
Pain causes you to think about plan B
Plan B helps cause this will be acted out in the futrure
Future can be so bright not even shades can help u protect u in that department. <---- (Slick line hey) *blush*
Or it can be the worst decision of ur life. Bottom line rejection can work for u or against u, bad or good, tkae you a step further or 10 stpes back.. Get it? Got it? good!!

Ok rewind back to program <<<||

 All in all, note to self, rejection for me is saviour from disater, kinda like I see the picaso expensive picture..  its a u-turn direction to a better greater AMAZING direction with a starting ground to a another platform, its even a possible warning to say its not time! Patience your BIG break its on its way.. Do you smell me?? Haha look I aint gona type this. lie and say rejection all the time is luuurkkk the best thing ever!! NO at times it takes a while till you realise it. That's fine, even you start appreciating rejection coz u finally saw or got to the bigger vision.
Either way I've let rejection work in my favour, as much as we want things in life yet we can't have it for some reason, it always makes sense in the end! 99 percent of the time you end up being grateful.

  • That CEO said you're not competent
  • That friend that betrayed you..
  • Some random person said you're a waste of sperm

  • Your dream job at your favourite company have rejected you like literally 10 times because they think you're not good enough
  • That girl or boy that's not interested in you, maybe youre not his type, She\he's too busy
  • Your gf or bf, husband or wife broke up with you
Thank them.. Don't be distasteful or hateful They did you a huge favour. Send then a bunch of roses saying thank you for rejecting me. That's the BEST gift you have given me!
GOD or your higher spirit or Allah, who ever you belive in, has a plan for you.
Listen up --> "Talent is helpful in writing, but guts are absolutely essential." - Jessamyn West

"We keep going back, stronger, not weaker, because we will not allow rejection to beat us down. It will only strengthen our resolve. To be successful there is no other way." - Earl G. Graves, founder and publisher of Black Enterprise Magazine

"A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success."-Bo Bennett

YES happy, even have a cleansing ceremony even better, a box of your favourite something and write in BIG BOLD letters, pppshht THEIR loss!
Done!! :)

PS: Thank me later *wink*