Thursday, July 12, 2012


adj. wea·ri·er, wea·ri·est
1. Physically or mentally fatigued.
2. Expressive of or prompted by fatigue: a weary smile.
3. Having one's interest, forbearance, or indulgence worn out: weary of delays.
4. Causing fatigue; tiresome: a weary wait.
To make or become weary. See Synonyms at TIRED.

If you allow yourself to become weary, you will be tempted to quit, to quit believing, to quit persueing your goals and dreams.

There was a lady who had cancer, she'd been taking treatment for quite awhile, and she went for a check up and the doctor told her that she's going to have to take another treatment for 6 months. She was so disappointed, she said, "I am tired, I don't think I can do this for another 6 months, I have been doing it for so long already"

Weird thing about life is that on our way to victory we will always face the weary test, when we are tempted to get discouraged and give up. The test never comes when we are fresh, never comes when we first start out, it always comes when we are tired. That's when we are the most vunerable.

Galatians 6:9  And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

Faint not!! In other words, if you don't give up. If you shake off the wearyness, put on an attitude, knowing that Father GOD is still in control, saying you've  come to far to stop now. You will see the promise of success come to pass. Instead of complaining about how long the battle is taking, we should be saying this too shall pass, Its not permanet it's only temporary, I'm not being kept here but I'm moving forward!!!!!!

Fighting for something is *in Aka voice* A beast and a problem tho!!! Hehehe.  You let the wearyness settle in and nah ah, its not a good thing! Overcoming obstacles time and time again, eventually you get tired, bear in mind that wearyness leads to discouragement, when you're  discouraged, you see the problem instead of the POSSIBILITY!!! , it is instead of what it can become. The first thing you do is complain *smh* *black accent* Typical!

You start making a permanet decision based on a temporary feeling! If you allow yourself to become weary, you loss your passion and enthusiasm, you're tempted to make decisions on what you feel rather than what u know. (P.S that's a dump thing to do.)

When you feel that wearyness come on. You need to talk to yourself. Start saying Sbusiso, Getrude, or maybe ur name is Leonie or Bra John, say GOD you have armed me with strength for every battle, you said I can all things through Christ who produces strength through me. You said I am more of a CONQUERER, a VICTOR not a victim!!!!!!

If you talk to yourself the right way, you will feel the change and power.
But instead most of you say! "Oohhh GOD I can't take this anymore, I'm tired, its just to hard." Blah blah blerh

See the more you talk about being tired, the more tired you will become. You just adding fuel to the fire. Don't talk about the way you are, talk about the way you want to be, you need to have FAITH and Victory coming out of your mouth. In other words say. It may be hard but I'm willing and able to overcome this!!!!!! AMANDLA. *side eye*

I won't quit, I am empowered I am strong in the Lord, the truth is we all get tired. Infact if you never feel like giving up then youre dreams are too small. If you never feel like quitting then you need to set some LARGER goals. When that pressure comes and you get discouraged it is normal but don't give in.

Father GOD knew that you would feel like that, and He has a solution, that is too wait upon the Lord. Hope in the Lord. It doesn't mean wait and complain, NO!! It means wait with expectancy, stop complaining, don't be discouraged, don't look for reason why it won't work out!!
If you want your strength renewed, say Father thank you for fighting my battles thank you, that answers are on the way.. Thank you that youre bigger than these obstacles, thank you that you shall bring my dreams to pass. Give GOD praise

Go through the day expecting him to turn things around for you, He will give u vision, vitality, hope, and passion to make it happen. You will come out stronger, higher and pwerful.

Sometimes you look out to your future and you don't see how you're going to make it. That's the problem, you can't look at 5 or 15 years down the line, you have to look and take it one day at a time, you don't have the strength you need for tomorrow but GOD is not going to give you the strength you need for tomorroww today, wouldnt make sense!!

What GOd is asking of you, is will you do it today, will you not give up today... When pass the test today the strength you need for tomorrow will be there.  As long as you worried about how you gonna make it tomorrow or next week or 10 years from now. That worry will drain you down, because all worry does is weigh you down! And prevent you from enjoying life.

Instead of worrying about your future, get up every morning and say I can do this one more time!!!!!. One more day. I may not know how I'm going to do it 2 years from now, but I can do it for 24 hours more. One can have faith, one more day, I can have a great attitude, one more day. I can have a smile on my face one more day just one more day!!!!

When these thoughts come to you, like you're never going to be well, youre never going to make it, youre a loser, GOD says he has set an end to the difficulty, he set an end to the struggle. When you're in a differcult season you need to remind yourself that the end to this is near and you won't always be in this situation.
Stand strong, no more weary, keep believing, keep being your best. If you faint not you will receive the rewards.

When life gets tough. Rememeber GOD has armed you with strength for the battle, GOD calles strength as an armor, I mean you can have a gun, AK 47, bazuka... That's powerful yes, but that's nothing more powerful compared to what GODs armor and what it can do.
I think what's so special is that if you couldn't take it anymore GOD would have allowed it, that means he trust you and believes that you can handle it.. Instead of moaning telling yourself you cant  handle it!! It may be differcult but YOU CAN handle it, that guy is getting on my nervous but I can handle it, I don't have money for taxi, but I can handle it, my dream job company rejected me but its ok because I can HANDLE IT!!!!
Gotta look at those obstacles and say youre no match for me.

Its just a matter of time before GOD brings it to an end, its just a matter of time before that dream comes true
When you pass this wearyness test, pay day is coming your way and GOD is a GREAT rewarder. But the problem is, youre weary,  The battle has taken more than you expected, keep pressing, kee praying, when you face the greatest pressure you are close to your victory.
That when youre about to step into GODs glory. When ure tempted to give up, when you feel that life is not fair. That's when youre about to give birth to something amazing.

You have not seen your best day. Every struggle, every adversity, it didn't go to waste, God is getting you prepared for the amazing future he has prepared for you. YES!!!!!!!

After so much adversity you can either let God see ur discouraged heart or your faith which will please him. Your greatest test will always come when you're tired when it didn't work out the way you expected. All you have to do is keep believing hoping, being good to people, smile. Etc.
Listen to me you're too close to give up know!!!!!
You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you" James - Allen