Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I'm always in thought, I always think, wow, Miranda, you've come so far... Yet u haven't even started!! Can you believe this? I always think, what in the world can Father GOD possibly bless me with that would make me the happiest women alive. Remember this quote "GOD can dream a bigger dream for you than you can for yourself." 

I literally get goosebumps by just thinking about it, He can do ANYTHING for me, bigger and better than I have ever imagined. Have you had the same thought??? Pretty awesome yeah!
Everything I have ever done or currently doing, my radio jobs, my career in modeling, the tv commercials I've done & my journey in life, it wasn't possible through me, it was through father GOD.

How? Well let me tell you this story, PS. Hope you got pop corn with you lol

There was a casting for a tv commercial for Frisco coffee and when I got the character brief, I was like, wow.. This person they are looking for sounds like me. I really wanted to go the audition, but I couldn't because I had my radio show at ujfm from 12-3pm, was really crushed that I could not go. Aaarrgh, so in my head I'm like, oohh well, there will be another one, clearly this one is not meant for me. So I got over it. The audition happened, a couple of celebrities came to the casting to audition as well, so I heard. So I & said to Father GOD, you know what's best for me, I trust you" Days went by, on a Friday that week I got a call from my agent saying, they want to see you for the Frisco casting, only difference is, this was the call backs and the director had already choosen 2 girls that the client liked to be featured in the commercial and I got to be optioned as well, without auditioning, wow!!! My heart was so overwhelmed. So now I had to present my "acting skills" infront of the director, had to go in hard and do my best especially since I didn't audition the 1st time. Did my thing and at this time I'm so so nervous, usually I get nervous when I know I'm so close to getting a job hahahaha. So now the director (who by the way I forgot to mention is rated as one of the best directors in South Africa) Can imagine the pressure!!!! YIKES.

The whole day started thinking well, I did my best & that's all that matters. Even if I don't get it.. Father GOD you know better and I thank you for the opportunity. I won't lie, inside I was abit disappointed as to why I didn't get it... Life goes on and I went on with it.

The next day on Saturday, I got a call from wardrope and they said congratulations u got the Frisco commercial!!! The way I wanted to scream.. WHOHAA!!! But *serious face*  I contained myself lol. Best part was that the shoot was going to be in Cape town. All expenses paid. WHAT!!!! GOD just added a bonus there.
Pinch me now coz this must be a dream. I was really really truely grateful. I couldn't believe that father GOD did that for me! FOR ME! He made it happen. I was definitely favoured highly.

So, I didn't audition for the frisco commercial in the begining, I was requested, I got the lead girl part bacause GOD said, my child Miranda deserves that job!!!!! See what happens when you put your trust in him???!! The moral of this story is to make you realise that...

1. What's meant to be yours will be yours, NO MATTER WHAT! Whether you went to an interview & messed up becoz were nervous & you sort of fumbled on your words, whether you know the person or not.whether you applied for it or not, IF Father GOD wrote your name on it: MADE FOR.... He will give it to you. No question about it.
2. When Father GOD opens a door, no man can shut it!! Its impossible. GOD opens that door to you for a reason, and whether you fret about it or dont think much of it either way what's meant to be will be. So its pointless stressing!

The same GOD that opens doors, closes doors, you have to trust him, it may not make sense now but some day it will, one day you will thank GOD that you didn't get that position. He knows what he's doing so don't be discouraged when a door closes on you, if GOD wanted that door open, he would have opened it for you, if a door is not open, take it from GOD that this is not his best!! You follow?
GOD loves you too much to let a door open for u that will not take you anywhere, He's doing you a favour to save u from all the heartache and pain if you had entered the wrong door. We really have to be content with all the answers that GOD gives us.

We say we trust him and that we are going to be happy if GOD does it our way, well that's Bull Sherbet or Bull ship!! Yes put ur dreams on the alter , tell Father GOD what you would like at the same time trust him enough to let him guide you in the right direction. Doing only what is best for you.

If it happens the way you hoped for you're going to be happy and if it doesn't happen you must still be happy that it didn't happen, PLS don't be discouraged coz GOD has something way better in mind for you and in store.
At times you think, well GOD if I don't get this, I don't think there will ever be something greater that this, WRONG!! See your mind is limited when you think like that. GODs plan for ur life is much bigger than ur own plan in life, it will take you to your destiny.
You wanted that job so bad, you wanted to be in that movie role so bad, you really wanted to go to Maurituis so bad.. But it didn't happen. That's because GOD closed that door for a reason. Even thou you can't believ it, it is the truth. GOD has the final say. Instead of questioning him, rather choose to believe that he is in control

You need to be at the next level of faith & say, If GOD does not work it out the way you thought he should have, then you know he's got a better way because He says when he finally does it for you. he will do it exceedely and abundantly
There will be so many times that a door will close on you, example: this is you nagging, oohh but he was the perfect man, why did she break up with me? Dammit I needed that job to pay rent!!!  Noooo That house was my dream house but they didn't accept my offer! +___0!!! FOCUS. One day you will thank him and say, thank GOD that man walked out on me, thank you GOD I didn't get that house etc.

Question is, will you live in faith and believe GOD to give you the best during those hard, challenging & trying times? Days when you are broke!!!  Will you stop complaining??!! "Oohh I wanted her, I even treated her like a queen, but she put me on the friend zone.! Ya *nods* that's what most of you think!

You're missing the bigger picture sahn!!!

Father will open the right doors and close the wrong doors, closed doors are just as important as open doors. That's GOD protecting you from the wrong people, He loves u so much that he hasn't answered certain prayers, that he hasn't allowed certain people in your life that you wanted, learn to trust him, celebrate him for the great and celebrate him just as much for the closed doors.

He will never hinder you but he will help you so that you have a great future
GODs ways are better than our ways,our ways are not better than his
Tell him, that Daddy this is what I want, you know how badly I want this, but if it is not your way or your best then I don't want it, GOD I trust you!

When you come to a closed door, that is a test of your faith! What are you gona do! Are u going to whine, are u going to give up on your dreams, NO!! Don't be cucumber!!. You get up and keep going and say, ooh Father GOD I trust you, I believe you know what's best for me. And I will keep going. With that attitude, you have passed the faith test,  then GOD will give you what you wanted if its best for you... GOD just wants to see if you trust him enough thru those trials not only in the good times

Proverbs 20:24 NB
He can see things that you can't see, oneday when GOD plan unfolds you will see what he was up to all along. So move forward in faith, trust that he has your best interest at heart & that every door closed he had a reason for that door closing, Just trust him! That's all it takes.

Don't fight closed doors, they are not closed by accident,
PS don't fight the friend zone either. Its for a reason lol! ;)  

You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you" James - Allen