Friday, November 8, 2013

Worrying for Nothing

We spent an awful amount of time worrying about NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING!! have you ever felt that way?? yeah me too and it sucks air. Why do we do this to ourselves.... *think about it* Do you have an answer? Great neither do I! However its insane how we think that thinking about something over and over and over and over and over and I repeat and over again will somehow change the situation... we think about money, life, that girl that stole your man, school hey even food. different strokes for different folks.

The great news is that in spite of all the worrying, we are still alive and well, yes we manage to get some things done and sorted out but in the end, ask yourself... was that worrying worth your time? *blank stare*  No it was not!

 If you're not convinced yet to give up your worrying, here are four biblical reasons not to worry.
  1. Worrying Accomplishes Absolutely Nothing.I don't know about you, but I don't have any time to waste these days. And worrying is a waste of very precious time. Worrying won't help you solve a problem or bring about a solution, so why waste your time and energy on it?
    • Matthew 6:27-29
      Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.

  2. Worrying is Not Good for You.Worrying is destructive to us in many ways. It becomes a mental burden that can even cause us to grow physically sick.
      Proverbs 12:25
      Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.

  3. Worrying is the Opposite of Trusting God.The energy that we spend worrying can be put to much better use in prayer. Here's a little formula to remember: Worry replaced by Prayer equals Trust.
      Matthew 6:30
      And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
      Philippians 4:6-7
      Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

  4. Worrying Puts Your Focus in the Wrong Direction.When we keep our eyes focused on God, we remember his love for us and we realize we truly have nothing to worry about. God has a wonderful plan for our lives, and part of that plan includes taking care of us. Even in the difficult times, when it seems like God doesn't care, we can put our trust in the Lord and focus on his kingdom. God will take care of our every need.
      Matthew 6:25
      That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing?
      Matthew 6:31-33
      So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
      1 Peter 5:7
      Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
    Thats sums it all up!

     *british accent* Away with the worrying darling!!

    Remain ever humbly blessed


Have you ever struggled and fretted because your life wasn't going the way you wanted? Do you feel that way right now?

You have legitimate needs and desires. You know what would make you happy and you pray for it with all your might, asking God to help you get it. But if it doesn't come to pass, you may feel frustrated,
disappointed, even bitter.Sometimes you do get what you want, only to discover that it doesn't make you happy after all, just disillusioned.

Many Christians repeat this cycle their entire life, wondering what they're doing wrong. I should know. I was one of them.

The Secret is in the 'Doing'

A spiritual secret exists that can free you from this cycle:

Trusting God. Trusting in the Lord.

"What?" you're asking. "That's no secret. I've read that dozens of times in the Bible and heard lots of sermons on it. What does he mean, secret?"

The secret lies in putting this truth into practice, by making it such a powerful theme in your life that you view every event, every sorrow, every prayer with the unshakable conviction that God is totally, spotlessly trustworthy.
That's where we mess up. We want to trust in anything rather than the Lord. We'll trust in our own abilities, in our boss's judgment of us, in our money, our doctor, even in an airline pilot. But the Lord? Well…

It's easy to trust in things we can see. Sure, we believe in God, but to allow him to run our life? That's asking a little too much, we think.

Disagreeing Over What Really Matters

The bottom line is that our wants may not agree with God's wants for us. After all, it's our life, isn't it? Shouldn't we have the say over it? Shouldn't we be the one who calls the shots? God gave us free will, didn't he?

Advertising and peer pressure tell us what's important: a high-paying career, a head-turning car, a drop-dead-gorgeous home, and a spouse or significant other who will make everyone else green with envy.
If we fall for the world's idea of what matters, we get trapped in what I call "The Loop of Next Time." The new car, relationship, promotion or whatever didn't bring you the happiness you expected, so you keep searching, thinking "Maybe next time." But it's a loop that's always the same, because you were created for something better, and deep down you know it.

When you finally reach the place where your head agrees with your heart, you're still hesitant. It's scary. Trusting in the Lord can require that you abandon everything you've ever believed about what brings happiness and fulfillment.

It requires that you accept the truth that God knows what's best for you. But how do you make that leap from knowing to doing? How do you trust in the Lord instead of the world or yourself?

The Secret Behind This Secret

The secret lives within you: the Holy Spirit. Not only will he convict you of the rightness of trusting in the Lord, he'll help you do it. It's just too tough to do on your own.

Because the Holy Spirit knows you better than you know yourself, he'll give you exactly what you need to make this change. He's infinitely patient, so he'll let you test this secret—trusting in the Lord—in little baby steps. He'll catch you if you stumble. He'll rejoice with you when you succeed.
As someone who has gone through cancer, the deaths of loved ones, broken relationships, and job layoffs, I can tell you that trusting in the Lord is a lifelong challenge. You never finally "arrive." Each new crisis calls for recommitment. The good news is that the more often you see God's loving hand working in your life, the easier this trusting becomes. When you trust in the Lord, you'll feel as if the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders. The pressure's off you now and on God, and he can handle it perfectly.

God will make something beautiful of your life, but he needs your trust in him to do it. Are you ready? The time to start is today, right now.

BY Jack Zavada

Thursday, January 31, 2013


You know when you just tried, tried tried tried tried hahahaha and TRIED and you feel like there's DEAD END! You feel me? Oh yes!!... I was going through the net and searching for "Trusting GOD" and expanding my knowledge about my Lord and Saviour and upgrading my Trust in him, This is exactly what I needed and I came across this. So I decided to share it with you. I hope you LOVE it. *Hugs and Kisses* to you AWESOME person!

Have you ever struggled and fretted because your life wasn't going the way you wanted? Do you feel that way right now?

You have legitimate needs and desires. You know what would make you happy and you pray for it with all your might, asking God to help you get it. But if it doesn't come to pass, you may feel frustrated, disappointed, even bitter.

Sometimes you do get what you want, only to discover that it doesn't make you happy after all, just disillusioned.

Many Christians repeat this cycle their entire life, wondering what they're doing wrong. I should know. I was one of them.

The Secret is in the 'Doing'

A spiritual secret exists that can free you from this cycle:

Trusting God. Trusting in the Lord.

"What?" you're asking. "That's no secret. I've read that dozens of times in the Bible and heard lots of sermons on it. What does he mean, secret?"

The secret lies in putting this truth into practice, by making it such a powerful theme in your life that you view every event, every sorrow, every prayer with the unshakable conviction that God is totally, spotlessly trustworthy.

That's where we mess up. We want to trust in anything rather than the Lord. We'll trust in our own abilities, in our boss's judgment of us, in our money, our doctor, even in an airline pilot. But the Lord? Well…
It's easy to trust in things we can see. Sure, we believe in God, but to allow him to run our life? That's asking a little too much, we think.

Disagreeing Over What Really MattersThe bottom line is that our wants may not agree with God's wants for us. After all, it's our life, isn't it? Shouldn't we have the say over it? Shouldn't we be the one who calls the shots? God gave us free will, didn't he?

Advertising and peer pressure tell us what's important: a high-paying career, a head-turning car, a drop-dead-gorgeous home, and a spouse or significant other who will make everyone else green with envy.

If we fall for the world's idea of what matters, we get trapped in what I call "The Loop of Next Time." The new car, relationship, promotion or whatever didn't bring you the happiness you expected, so you keep searching, thinking "Maybe next time." But it's a loop that's always the same, because you were created for something better, and deep down you know it.

When you finally reach the place where your head agrees with your heart, you're still hesitant. It's scary. Trusting in the Lord can require that you abandon everything you've ever believed about what brings happiness and fulfillment.

It requires that you accept the truth that God knows what's best for you. But how do you make that leap from knowing to doing? How do you trust in the Lord instead of the world or yourself?

The Secret Behind This Secret

The secret lives within you: the Holy Spirit. Not only will he convict you of the rightness of trusting in the Lord, he'll help you do it. It's just too tough to do on your own.

Because the Holy Spirit knows you better than you know yourself, he'll give you exactly what you need to make this change. He's infinitely patient, so he'll let you test this secret—trusting in the Lord—in little baby steps. He'll catch you if you stumble. He'll rejoice with you when you succeed.

As someone who has gone through cancer, the deaths of loved ones, broken relationships, and job layoffs, I can tell you that trusting in the Lord is a lifelong challenge. You never finally "arrive." Each new crisis calls for re commitment. The good news is that the more often you see God's loving hand working in your life, the easier this trusting becomes.

When you trust in the Lord, you'll feel as if the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders. The pressure's off you now and on God, and he can handle it perfectly.

God will make something beautiful of your life, but he needs your trust in him to do it. Are you ready? The time to start is today, right now.

  This was written by Jack Zavada, a career writer and guest contributor for

You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you" James - Allen

Miranda Shongwe

Thursday, November 22, 2012


You are complain about something you asked for 5 years ago from GOD. See why GOD doesn't always give you what you want, because it could harm you. GOD tests you many times by permitting trails for a season so we can found out what level of faith we have.
See It's easy to talk than to do!
You need to understand that No body gets promoted to another level without a test. GOD loves us too much to leave us in our own mess anyway and once you pass your test, you will get that reward from GOD.

You won't get everything you want however you need to have a good attitude.
You may say, I give to the poor, I help people have faith but you see GOD tests our motives. We should not give to get. Motives are so important! GOD wants to know why you do that certain something not how you do it and whilst GOD brings trails and tribulations, he does not ask us for permission HE just expects to be trusted. Do you trust Him?? No really, DO YOU TRUST HIM??

Deutro 32:9- 11 NB Powerful Scripture so kindly read it *wink*
You gotta go through to get to the other side. Look at your past. Your past has determined where you are at this moment. What you do today will determine where you are tomorrow. Are you moving forward or standing still? Understand that patience brought the experience of VICTORY!!!
Man, I love line -------->Through faith and patience we inherit his promises! YES WE DO, NO LIE!!!

Always bare in mind that with power of Patience at work & violent Faith, results are ineludible *AMANDLA*

The moment you pray believe that you have received. The force of faith is at work.

Heb 11:1
Mark 11:23 & 24
James 1:5
James 1:6

Ask and GOD will help you!! Never wait for people to energize you! Energize yourself through thee almighty GOD. See God is a Good GOD and GOD is a good boss. GOD does not hold your pay for any reason. God appreciated his workers and he pays them and he always pays on time. No need to remind him for your pay.
The service you render, that detemines how GOD services you. Every true worker should be driven by rewards not recognition. Ask yourself,
Do you want the applause of man or the applause of GOD?

Never let the applause of man decieve you, go for the commendation of GOD
Truth of the matter is, majority in this generation has lost the true regard of serving because all they want is recognition

I hope you are not one of them...

You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you" James - Allen

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Everything you go through are not just random trials, that is GOD testing your quality its an opportunity for you to grow in the differcult times, that's your moment to show Father GOD what you are made of. Many people get stuck at the same level because they are not dealing with what GOD is bringing to their life
Like when you get caught in traffic. Instead of fighting against it try a different approach, example: Calm down, play your favourite CD, something! Na mean! Hahaah. Tell yourself this is only a test, this is an opportunity for you to grow up higher to stop fighting against cars. You being angry doesn't change anything. Makes you look stupid. That aint a pretty face to have. NOPE!!!!
Tell yourself I'm going to keep my peace and go with the flow.
That's passing the test when you go through a differcult point, something unfair happens instead of being discouraged, feeling self pity, tell yourself this is only a test. I'm going o keep my joy, GODs still on the throne he has something amazing in my life and future, then GOD ticks it off his list and says: PASS.

That's how GOD refines us. So often we try to pray away.. What GOD what's to use within us, GOD wants you to put up with this grumpy boss you have at work, even though YES,
You say he's getting on your nerves he irritates you, but have you ever thought that father GOD put you there for a purpose? Mmmmm

To do a work through you! To test your quality or quantity. You may not like it but that is an opportunity for you to grow up. GOD uses the people in our lives, spouse, children, friends in areas we need to improve in. The key is too look inside and say God how can I change? What will you have me do for you? Can I learn to be more patient. More understanding. More forgiving.
Don't ask GOD to change sombody else without asking GOD to change you first. Never Ever!! How can you change you may ask, well, You can start dealing with your emotions, dealing with self control, Patience. Before long those buttons won't work any more when people try to use them against you!. They can push all they want it won't affect you. They didn't change but you changed.
Every time you over look obstacles you're passing the test.
Everytime you bite your tongue when you feel like arguing you're passing the test. When you let a person be right even when they are wrong. You're passing the test. That's allowing GOD to make and mold you, make you who he wants you to be.

GOD is more interested in changing you than your circumstances. And YES, don't get it twisted, GOD will change the circumstance nomakanjani! Lol.

Same people are dealing with the same issue year after year, argueing with their spouse, crying over petty things, throwing tantrums everytime they don't get their way. Cuss out everything and everything in their way!! *black accent, Mara why? For who and for the why*. *smh* They wonder GOD when are you going to change this. When are you going to make it better? No GOD is not going to remove it. He wants you to improve . YOU have to be willing to make adjustments.

You HAVE to sow the seed of obidience, that means you gotta do the right thing even though its hard. Its hard to be kind to someone when they are being rude to you. It's hard to be happy for them when they got the promotion you wanted so bad. But when you sow a radicle seed of obedience you do the right thing, you reap a radicle harvest. Again passing the test. Whenever you're in a uncomfortable situation instead of fighting it see it as a chance to grow. To come up higher.
 Don't be discouraged. God is working behind the scenes and he will make it happen at the right time. Everytime you pass a TEST again and again and again it gets easier. Most of the time we are tested in the greatest area of our weakness. Maybe you're jealous, impatient, a hater heheh *shrugs*, just so Father GOD can see what you're made of. Are you made of GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE??? *think about it* Are you going keep a good attitude and be happy for people no matter what.

Its not a coincidence of the situation we find ourselves in. Its on purpose so you can grow. If you work with GOD and pass those test, Exceedingly and abundantly you shall see GODS favour upon your life. *in cool lingo* Trust IT!!!

When someone says something hurtful, remind yourself this is only a test. You're not gona get bitter because you know GOD is fighting your battels. Sometimes at work you works sooo hard, 2 years straight putting your best work forward and no one says a single thank you.
You go through that disappointment, remember this is only a test.
Show GOD what quality you are and only look for his approval!!

Vanilla Amen pumpkin! *hug* you can do it. :D

You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you" James - Allen

Thursday, July 12, 2012


adj. wea·ri·er, wea·ri·est
1. Physically or mentally fatigued.
2. Expressive of or prompted by fatigue: a weary smile.
3. Having one's interest, forbearance, or indulgence worn out: weary of delays.
4. Causing fatigue; tiresome: a weary wait.
To make or become weary. See Synonyms at TIRED.

If you allow yourself to become weary, you will be tempted to quit, to quit believing, to quit persueing your goals and dreams.

There was a lady who had cancer, she'd been taking treatment for quite awhile, and she went for a check up and the doctor told her that she's going to have to take another treatment for 6 months. She was so disappointed, she said, "I am tired, I don't think I can do this for another 6 months, I have been doing it for so long already"

Weird thing about life is that on our way to victory we will always face the weary test, when we are tempted to get discouraged and give up. The test never comes when we are fresh, never comes when we first start out, it always comes when we are tired. That's when we are the most vunerable.

Galatians 6:9  And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

Faint not!! In other words, if you don't give up. If you shake off the wearyness, put on an attitude, knowing that Father GOD is still in control, saying you've  come to far to stop now. You will see the promise of success come to pass. Instead of complaining about how long the battle is taking, we should be saying this too shall pass, Its not permanet it's only temporary, I'm not being kept here but I'm moving forward!!!!!!

Fighting for something is *in Aka voice* A beast and a problem tho!!! Hehehe.  You let the wearyness settle in and nah ah, its not a good thing! Overcoming obstacles time and time again, eventually you get tired, bear in mind that wearyness leads to discouragement, when you're  discouraged, you see the problem instead of the POSSIBILITY!!! , it is instead of what it can become. The first thing you do is complain *smh* *black accent* Typical!

You start making a permanet decision based on a temporary feeling! If you allow yourself to become weary, you loss your passion and enthusiasm, you're tempted to make decisions on what you feel rather than what u know. (P.S that's a dump thing to do.)

When you feel that wearyness come on. You need to talk to yourself. Start saying Sbusiso, Getrude, or maybe ur name is Leonie or Bra John, say GOD you have armed me with strength for every battle, you said I can all things through Christ who produces strength through me. You said I am more of a CONQUERER, a VICTOR not a victim!!!!!!

If you talk to yourself the right way, you will feel the change and power.
But instead most of you say! "Oohhh GOD I can't take this anymore, I'm tired, its just to hard." Blah blah blerh

See the more you talk about being tired, the more tired you will become. You just adding fuel to the fire. Don't talk about the way you are, talk about the way you want to be, you need to have FAITH and Victory coming out of your mouth. In other words say. It may be hard but I'm willing and able to overcome this!!!!!! AMANDLA. *side eye*

I won't quit, I am empowered I am strong in the Lord, the truth is we all get tired. Infact if you never feel like giving up then youre dreams are too small. If you never feel like quitting then you need to set some LARGER goals. When that pressure comes and you get discouraged it is normal but don't give in.

Father GOD knew that you would feel like that, and He has a solution, that is too wait upon the Lord. Hope in the Lord. It doesn't mean wait and complain, NO!! It means wait with expectancy, stop complaining, don't be discouraged, don't look for reason why it won't work out!!
If you want your strength renewed, say Father thank you for fighting my battles thank you, that answers are on the way.. Thank you that youre bigger than these obstacles, thank you that you shall bring my dreams to pass. Give GOD praise

Go through the day expecting him to turn things around for you, He will give u vision, vitality, hope, and passion to make it happen. You will come out stronger, higher and pwerful.

Sometimes you look out to your future and you don't see how you're going to make it. That's the problem, you can't look at 5 or 15 years down the line, you have to look and take it one day at a time, you don't have the strength you need for tomorrow but GOD is not going to give you the strength you need for tomorroww today, wouldnt make sense!!

What GOd is asking of you, is will you do it today, will you not give up today... When pass the test today the strength you need for tomorrow will be there.  As long as you worried about how you gonna make it tomorrow or next week or 10 years from now. That worry will drain you down, because all worry does is weigh you down! And prevent you from enjoying life.

Instead of worrying about your future, get up every morning and say I can do this one more time!!!!!. One more day. I may not know how I'm going to do it 2 years from now, but I can do it for 24 hours more. One can have faith, one more day, I can have a great attitude, one more day. I can have a smile on my face one more day just one more day!!!!

When these thoughts come to you, like you're never going to be well, youre never going to make it, youre a loser, GOD says he has set an end to the difficulty, he set an end to the struggle. When you're in a differcult season you need to remind yourself that the end to this is near and you won't always be in this situation.
Stand strong, no more weary, keep believing, keep being your best. If you faint not you will receive the rewards.

When life gets tough. Rememeber GOD has armed you with strength for the battle, GOD calles strength as an armor, I mean you can have a gun, AK 47, bazuka... That's powerful yes, but that's nothing more powerful compared to what GODs armor and what it can do.
I think what's so special is that if you couldn't take it anymore GOD would have allowed it, that means he trust you and believes that you can handle it.. Instead of moaning telling yourself you cant  handle it!! It may be differcult but YOU CAN handle it, that guy is getting on my nervous but I can handle it, I don't have money for taxi, but I can handle it, my dream job company rejected me but its ok because I can HANDLE IT!!!!
Gotta look at those obstacles and say youre no match for me.

Its just a matter of time before GOD brings it to an end, its just a matter of time before that dream comes true
When you pass this wearyness test, pay day is coming your way and GOD is a GREAT rewarder. But the problem is, youre weary,  The battle has taken more than you expected, keep pressing, kee praying, when you face the greatest pressure you are close to your victory.
That when youre about to step into GODs glory. When ure tempted to give up, when you feel that life is not fair. That's when youre about to give birth to something amazing.

You have not seen your best day. Every struggle, every adversity, it didn't go to waste, God is getting you prepared for the amazing future he has prepared for you. YES!!!!!!!

After so much adversity you can either let God see ur discouraged heart or your faith which will please him. Your greatest test will always come when you're tired when it didn't work out the way you expected. All you have to do is keep believing hoping, being good to people, smile. Etc.
Listen to me you're too close to give up know!!!!!
You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you" James - Allen

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I'm always in thought, I always think, wow, Miranda, you've come so far... Yet u haven't even started!! Can you believe this? I always think, what in the world can Father GOD possibly bless me with that would make me the happiest women alive. Remember this quote "GOD can dream a bigger dream for you than you can for yourself." 

I literally get goosebumps by just thinking about it, He can do ANYTHING for me, bigger and better than I have ever imagined. Have you had the same thought??? Pretty awesome yeah!
Everything I have ever done or currently doing, my radio jobs, my career in modeling, the tv commercials I've done & my journey in life, it wasn't possible through me, it was through father GOD.

How? Well let me tell you this story, PS. Hope you got pop corn with you lol

There was a casting for a tv commercial for Frisco coffee and when I got the character brief, I was like, wow.. This person they are looking for sounds like me. I really wanted to go the audition, but I couldn't because I had my radio show at ujfm from 12-3pm, was really crushed that I could not go. Aaarrgh, so in my head I'm like, oohh well, there will be another one, clearly this one is not meant for me. So I got over it. The audition happened, a couple of celebrities came to the casting to audition as well, so I heard. So I & said to Father GOD, you know what's best for me, I trust you" Days went by, on a Friday that week I got a call from my agent saying, they want to see you for the Frisco casting, only difference is, this was the call backs and the director had already choosen 2 girls that the client liked to be featured in the commercial and I got to be optioned as well, without auditioning, wow!!! My heart was so overwhelmed. So now I had to present my "acting skills" infront of the director, had to go in hard and do my best especially since I didn't audition the 1st time. Did my thing and at this time I'm so so nervous, usually I get nervous when I know I'm so close to getting a job hahahaha. So now the director (who by the way I forgot to mention is rated as one of the best directors in South Africa) Can imagine the pressure!!!! YIKES.

The whole day started thinking well, I did my best & that's all that matters. Even if I don't get it.. Father GOD you know better and I thank you for the opportunity. I won't lie, inside I was abit disappointed as to why I didn't get it... Life goes on and I went on with it.

The next day on Saturday, I got a call from wardrope and they said congratulations u got the Frisco commercial!!! The way I wanted to scream.. WHOHAA!!! But *serious face*  I contained myself lol. Best part was that the shoot was going to be in Cape town. All expenses paid. WHAT!!!! GOD just added a bonus there.
Pinch me now coz this must be a dream. I was really really truely grateful. I couldn't believe that father GOD did that for me! FOR ME! He made it happen. I was definitely favoured highly.

So, I didn't audition for the frisco commercial in the begining, I was requested, I got the lead girl part bacause GOD said, my child Miranda deserves that job!!!!! See what happens when you put your trust in him???!! The moral of this story is to make you realise that...

1. What's meant to be yours will be yours, NO MATTER WHAT! Whether you went to an interview & messed up becoz were nervous & you sort of fumbled on your words, whether you know the person or not.whether you applied for it or not, IF Father GOD wrote your name on it: MADE FOR.... He will give it to you. No question about it.
2. When Father GOD opens a door, no man can shut it!! Its impossible. GOD opens that door to you for a reason, and whether you fret about it or dont think much of it either way what's meant to be will be. So its pointless stressing!

The same GOD that opens doors, closes doors, you have to trust him, it may not make sense now but some day it will, one day you will thank GOD that you didn't get that position. He knows what he's doing so don't be discouraged when a door closes on you, if GOD wanted that door open, he would have opened it for you, if a door is not open, take it from GOD that this is not his best!! You follow?
GOD loves you too much to let a door open for u that will not take you anywhere, He's doing you a favour to save u from all the heartache and pain if you had entered the wrong door. We really have to be content with all the answers that GOD gives us.

We say we trust him and that we are going to be happy if GOD does it our way, well that's Bull Sherbet or Bull ship!! Yes put ur dreams on the alter , tell Father GOD what you would like at the same time trust him enough to let him guide you in the right direction. Doing only what is best for you.

If it happens the way you hoped for you're going to be happy and if it doesn't happen you must still be happy that it didn't happen, PLS don't be discouraged coz GOD has something way better in mind for you and in store.
At times you think, well GOD if I don't get this, I don't think there will ever be something greater that this, WRONG!! See your mind is limited when you think like that. GODs plan for ur life is much bigger than ur own plan in life, it will take you to your destiny.
You wanted that job so bad, you wanted to be in that movie role so bad, you really wanted to go to Maurituis so bad.. But it didn't happen. That's because GOD closed that door for a reason. Even thou you can't believ it, it is the truth. GOD has the final say. Instead of questioning him, rather choose to believe that he is in control

You need to be at the next level of faith & say, If GOD does not work it out the way you thought he should have, then you know he's got a better way because He says when he finally does it for you. he will do it exceedely and abundantly
There will be so many times that a door will close on you, example: this is you nagging, oohh but he was the perfect man, why did she break up with me? Dammit I needed that job to pay rent!!!  Noooo That house was my dream house but they didn't accept my offer! +___0!!! FOCUS. One day you will thank him and say, thank GOD that man walked out on me, thank you GOD I didn't get that house etc.

Question is, will you live in faith and believe GOD to give you the best during those hard, challenging & trying times? Days when you are broke!!!  Will you stop complaining??!! "Oohh I wanted her, I even treated her like a queen, but she put me on the friend zone.! Ya *nods* that's what most of you think!

You're missing the bigger picture sahn!!!

Father will open the right doors and close the wrong doors, closed doors are just as important as open doors. That's GOD protecting you from the wrong people, He loves u so much that he hasn't answered certain prayers, that he hasn't allowed certain people in your life that you wanted, learn to trust him, celebrate him for the great and celebrate him just as much for the closed doors.

He will never hinder you but he will help you so that you have a great future
GODs ways are better than our ways,our ways are not better than his
Tell him, that Daddy this is what I want, you know how badly I want this, but if it is not your way or your best then I don't want it, GOD I trust you!

When you come to a closed door, that is a test of your faith! What are you gona do! Are u going to whine, are u going to give up on your dreams, NO!! Don't be cucumber!!. You get up and keep going and say, ooh Father GOD I trust you, I believe you know what's best for me. And I will keep going. With that attitude, you have passed the faith test,  then GOD will give you what you wanted if its best for you... GOD just wants to see if you trust him enough thru those trials not only in the good times

Proverbs 20:24 NB
He can see things that you can't see, oneday when GOD plan unfolds you will see what he was up to all along. So move forward in faith, trust that he has your best interest at heart & that every door closed he had a reason for that door closing, Just trust him! That's all it takes.

Don't fight closed doors, they are not closed by accident,
PS don't fight the friend zone either. Its for a reason lol! ;)  

You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you" James - Allen