Thursday, September 20, 2012


Everything you go through are not just random trials, that is GOD testing your quality its an opportunity for you to grow in the differcult times, that's your moment to show Father GOD what you are made of. Many people get stuck at the same level because they are not dealing with what GOD is bringing to their life
Like when you get caught in traffic. Instead of fighting against it try a different approach, example: Calm down, play your favourite CD, something! Na mean! Hahaah. Tell yourself this is only a test, this is an opportunity for you to grow up higher to stop fighting against cars. You being angry doesn't change anything. Makes you look stupid. That aint a pretty face to have. NOPE!!!!
Tell yourself I'm going to keep my peace and go with the flow.
That's passing the test when you go through a differcult point, something unfair happens instead of being discouraged, feeling self pity, tell yourself this is only a test. I'm going o keep my joy, GODs still on the throne he has something amazing in my life and future, then GOD ticks it off his list and says: PASS.

That's how GOD refines us. So often we try to pray away.. What GOD what's to use within us, GOD wants you to put up with this grumpy boss you have at work, even though YES,
You say he's getting on your nerves he irritates you, but have you ever thought that father GOD put you there for a purpose? Mmmmm

To do a work through you! To test your quality or quantity. You may not like it but that is an opportunity for you to grow up. GOD uses the people in our lives, spouse, children, friends in areas we need to improve in. The key is too look inside and say God how can I change? What will you have me do for you? Can I learn to be more patient. More understanding. More forgiving.
Don't ask GOD to change sombody else without asking GOD to change you first. Never Ever!! How can you change you may ask, well, You can start dealing with your emotions, dealing with self control, Patience. Before long those buttons won't work any more when people try to use them against you!. They can push all they want it won't affect you. They didn't change but you changed.
Every time you over look obstacles you're passing the test.
Everytime you bite your tongue when you feel like arguing you're passing the test. When you let a person be right even when they are wrong. You're passing the test. That's allowing GOD to make and mold you, make you who he wants you to be.

GOD is more interested in changing you than your circumstances. And YES, don't get it twisted, GOD will change the circumstance nomakanjani! Lol.

Same people are dealing with the same issue year after year, argueing with their spouse, crying over petty things, throwing tantrums everytime they don't get their way. Cuss out everything and everything in their way!! *black accent, Mara why? For who and for the why*. *smh* They wonder GOD when are you going to change this. When are you going to make it better? No GOD is not going to remove it. He wants you to improve . YOU have to be willing to make adjustments.

You HAVE to sow the seed of obidience, that means you gotta do the right thing even though its hard. Its hard to be kind to someone when they are being rude to you. It's hard to be happy for them when they got the promotion you wanted so bad. But when you sow a radicle seed of obedience you do the right thing, you reap a radicle harvest. Again passing the test. Whenever you're in a uncomfortable situation instead of fighting it see it as a chance to grow. To come up higher.
 Don't be discouraged. God is working behind the scenes and he will make it happen at the right time. Everytime you pass a TEST again and again and again it gets easier. Most of the time we are tested in the greatest area of our weakness. Maybe you're jealous, impatient, a hater heheh *shrugs*, just so Father GOD can see what you're made of. Are you made of GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE??? *think about it* Are you going keep a good attitude and be happy for people no matter what.

Its not a coincidence of the situation we find ourselves in. Its on purpose so you can grow. If you work with GOD and pass those test, Exceedingly and abundantly you shall see GODS favour upon your life. *in cool lingo* Trust IT!!!

When someone says something hurtful, remind yourself this is only a test. You're not gona get bitter because you know GOD is fighting your battels. Sometimes at work you works sooo hard, 2 years straight putting your best work forward and no one says a single thank you.
You go through that disappointment, remember this is only a test.
Show GOD what quality you are and only look for his approval!!

Vanilla Amen pumpkin! *hug* you can do it. :D

You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you" James - Allen

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