Tuesday, October 18, 2011


This is for my people hustling on the corner
Out of breath, running, chasing that paper
For my people on the grind, on 9 that 5
Working hard every day, just to stay alive, Gotta keep it going - JOZI

This song is the one!!! Love the lyrics, they make me feell.. Likkee aaaarhhh man I'm a success, I have to keep going! Failure is apart of success, failure will never stand in the way of success if your learn from it. Hank Aaron

Benjamn franklinWas one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. A noted polymath, Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, postmaster he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. He invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and the glass 'armonica'. He formed both the first public lending library in America and the first fire department in Pennsylvania

Patrick Motsepe

A South African mining magnate. His company, African Rainbow Minerals, has interests in gold, ferrous metals, base metals, and platinum. He topped the Sunday Times Annual Rich List in 2011, with his wealth estimated to be around R22.99 billion ($3.28 billion) In 2008 he was 503-rd richest person in the world, by the Forbes World Billionaires List.

Donald Trump

Chairman and president of The Trump Organization
Chairman of Trump Plaza Associates, LLC
Chairman of Trump Atlantic City Associates
Host of The Apprentice

Net worth: US$2.7 billion (2011) an American business magnate, television personality and author. The Apprentice have made him a well-known celebrity who was No. 17 on the 2011 Forbes Celebrity 100 list.

And then there was/ IS Miranda Nomshado Shongwe! Well... All I can say is "watch My Throne" haha

You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thots take you james Allen, Makes sense why they are a success hey, however they all started somewhere, despicable, horible and even embarrassing jobs,

Some people wake up at 3am in the morning to start the day... 3 or worse or blessing 10 kids to feed, mostly its not a 9-5 anymore instead 12-12 mon to mon job, the level of abuse and the resilence these individuals go through to embark on a journey, make a living a destination called a better life! Who wants it?? We all want it!

Question, how far are you willing to go for it? Perhaps sacrifice, working hard, no sleep heck some even go thru brutal diaboncal deeds such as backstabbing, anguish (anger)  worse; murder! Sad reality, That happens everyday to someone somewhere.

Why is it we want want want and keeping wanting, I stand to be corrected as I don't want to seem as if im generalizing, however its true, at some point of our lives WE WANT what the next person has, never wrong to be attuned and admire what's someone else has, YES, agreed! There's a thin boarder line between admiring and plan jealousy or obsession.

A life of every individual is made to be, Be different, divert to either path, a path that each and every indivual is set for aside from being in the coffin box. My life is such a clear sypnosis you don't even have to read the pages of my book to comprehend me... Point of directon within this statement. How clear is your life, do you know where u are headed? Do you know where you want to be, is it that clear to the next person who tries to familarse themselves with you without you having to say a word.
Just because you're a domesticated worker doesn't mean there's where u are forever, enjoy it for now, give it your all to what seems to be seemingly less useless jobs for they will get you somewhere. Here's the amazing part of a clssic example that you will reap what you saw, if u don't work your bum off to get to where you want to be than, YES ofcoz you will be going nowhere slowly, in my opnion that's a slow death to any life unless that's what you've always wanted to do.

(((((((SCREAMS))))))) -----> Success doesn't come to you .. You go out and get it!!!

If you really want something you can figure out how to make it happen: Cher

Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win: Bernadette Devlin
With that said, Chapter one? Have you begun... Well let the life begin.

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