Thursday, June 7, 2012


How far do you see (without glasses hahaaha! Just had to. Sorry!!
Life is nothing but a game of chance when you don't have a vision, nothing brings fulfillment in life. A man may seem to have nothing today but with vision comes provision. At times we get it all wrong, money is not
the key to happiness, yes we can buy this and that but it aint all that.
You will live an ordinary life until you discover the extra-ordinary life that God has planed for you. You're not a creature of accident. Maybe your parents didn't plan for you but GOD did, God took so much time to create you. He made you to represent him on earth and so far, can you saying a good job at it??? *ask yourself* Now that I've made you feel special hehhe back to the topic at hand ---> VISION
Many have a dream and start jumping around with joy. And ideas but never do anything to make it happen. Vision will always be in Gods amplitude, vital thing you need to know is that, If it's not GODs plan for you It won't happen however he will direct you to the right path.

In discovering your vision, don't forget that you have a spiritual destiny as well,  the real you is your spirit, not the weave you have, your shaved and drawn back eyebrows, this swag you claim to have. NOPE!Understand that you have a spirit, you have a soul and it lives in a body.
Little things that we always undermine, Who you are connected to helps you connect to a clearer vision of your life and who is with you determines the doors that open for u.

When the greater is with you who can question you!! NB You can't die before your time for when Father GOD is with you and be for us, who can be against us.

Devine presence.

How do you know GOD is around you, well you're at ease at anything. When GOD leads you he will always be with you. Read Pslams 23: 2 its says it all,  Be still and know that I am GOD. There's no way you Can talk about vision and remove the GOD factor... Your life will chaos!!
Along with vision comes planting your seed. Minority of people are sowing seeds and those seeds are soon due! Meaning your time to enjoy them is coming and it shall be pleasant. Enough with the begging, its now time for you to be in COMMAND.
Today something must change for you!!!!!!! It's time not to be taken over but for you to take over. What you believe is what you concieve. *Aka voice* CAAAHMANN!!! You're NICE!  Where you live does not determine how you live. The matter is not the economy its you, it is who you are that determines how you live, YOU'RE IN YOUR OWN LEAGUE, life is an individual race. Just because you come from a village it does not mean you should live like a village man, *whispers* trust me you don't want to be a scrub either *no TLC* ;)   where you're from doesn't not determine where you going too, your fute is too B-R-I-G-H-T!  *side eyes you* I bet you know all this!? But just needed a reminder, well that's why I'm here. Hhahaha. Anyshoe; there is a starting point in everything you do. You can determine your own personal economy, and all this happens when you understand your provider!!!
You are a pillar of a generation, *fist in the air* AMANDLA!! Ne?! People are still suffering out here, every winter there are people who die in the cold leading to depression being a personal adventure. When you see the things and what people go through it hurts, people sleeping on the floor, some with no blankets. Starved almost to death!!!! Poverty stinks.  Sooo refuse financial depression. Your case is different and Prosperity is your birthright,
You live freely knowing that you don't owe anyone anything!!!
*sigghh* quick question... Why do you doubt? when GOD says something, it will happen.don't give to your parents you will never see prosperity, for those who feel like this------> how can you be ashamed of the person who gave birth to you, honour thy mother and thy father no matter what, yes it hurts bAnother reason for poverty. You never give your parents the little that you have earned, you know, that little pay check you got. :D see if you ut its the way forward. Many think giving is only in church.. *smh* wake up!!!
Let's make it trend and call it the "Parental seed" GOD said I will open the windows of heaven not the windows of your bank account. Prosperity is real just like the friend zone lmaof!!

Exodus 11:4-7                          
Genesis 26
Jeremiah 33:20-21                    
 Psalm 9:4-9
 Gens 1:27
Psalm 23:2-4

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you" James" - Allen
Miranda Shongwe

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